Bare Bones

Walking in the light of dusk through the bare winter branches, my thoughts turned to the past year. This time last year I was waiting for my daughter to enter the world. She chose January 8th to come into the world and has filled 2016 with amazement, wonder, joy, and transformation. As we stand on the cusp of 2017, I am launching into a birth of another sort – opening my own private practice.

The past three years with Massey Counseling have been a wonderful platform for learning and deepening into my skills as a counselor. Partnering with Michelle Massey brought with it training in art therapy, lessons in private practice, and a wonderful collegial connection. This next stage offers an opportunity to spread my entrepreneurial wings and delve more intentionally into the type of practice I want to offer.

Starting from the bare bones, so to speak.

It’s an exciting time. I find myself energized by all the ideas pop corning in my brain. People to connect with, places to network, clients to meet and work with…Visioning this dream into being. It’s been a long time coming and seeing it in it’s fruition brings joy to my being. May this year’s birthing process be as wondrous and transformative as previous’.