In It

Talking to the mother of one of my clients who identifies as transgender today, she shared a powerful statement she recently learned – being in it vs with it. As a mother, she is with her daughter on her journey. Only her daughter is in it. 

It strikes me that this is true of so many experiences we have in life. To be with other people who have a similar lived experience, who really get a specific, powerful experience as someone else who is in it, provides an experience of being seen and understood. It allows us to relax in a deeper way – we don’t have to explain ourselves or our experience to someone else who is in it. They get it, because it is their lived experience, too.

With all the turbulence in our country, the divisive politics and acts of hate, finding those people is a powerful balm to the soul. May you each connect deeply with someone who is in it with you, whatever that is for you.