Why We March

The past week has been one of connecting, collaboration and community building.

On Saturday, I joined the 10,000+ people who marched in Bellingham with my mother and daughter. Walking through the crowd and seeing people I have known for years, some for decades, I was inspired and hopeful. I participated in my first Take Back the Night March at 4 years old on the shoulders of my Papa, and continued for over a decade til they ended. Watching all the families, children, elders and everyone else there filled my heart to bursting.

Monday I met with a woman who offers rites of passage and soulful sexuality trainings. She and I shared how the births of our daughters inspired us to change and focus the work we do ~ to co-create the world we want our daughters to grow up in, and to do so with a schedule that offers rich time with our families.

Driving along I-5 on Tuesday, I found myself moved to tears listening to a documentary called, Why We March. In it Julia Pagel follows the journey of two female activists leading up to and participating in the Women’s March on DC. The words of these wise elders and the powerful experience of so many coming together again touched my heart.

As I sit and reflect on these past few days, I am inspired by the actions of so many. I am hopeful that this momentum will grow and roll forward in powerful ways. I am called to action to co-create that world for my daughter and all the other children in our communities.

May this be the beginning of a wave of thunderous action that will roll out over our country in the days, weeks, months and years to come. May we be connected through love and a devotion to the vision of the world we want to create. May we feel empowered to speak our truths and work in positive ways.

As one of the signs on Saturday read, Our Children Are Watching. Let’s give them something to remember.