Story Telling

In talking with a group of women I’m working with (developing a new curriculum for parents), one of the women shared how excited she is about Brené Brown’s new book – Rising Strong: The Reckoning, The Rumble, The Revolution. We all share a passion for books and are often sharing our new, best finds with one another.

As a true book nerd, who would happily read a book a day if life allowed the spaciousness of time for such endeavors, I downloaded it from the library later that same day. It is a great book.

Brené Brown does many things well, but perhaps my favorite is how she uses and explains words. In a slightly Seusical fashion, she takes words that don’t sit right with her emotionally and renames the concepts in a more comfortable, personal lexicon.

For example, in discussing the process of sifting through her own stories to make meaning, she shares that the terms conscious and unconsciousness aren’t comfortable. She prefers awake or aware. 

I love the honesty and the beautifully synthesized combination of committed researcher and down-home gal that Brené Brown brings to all that she does. She has a true gift for making potentially esoteric concepts friendly and welcoming. And I hope to learn from her and bring some of that into the writing we are currently co-creating.