Eyes of Wonder

Perhaps it’s all the alphabet books I’ve been reading recently, but walking with my daughter through the snow today I looked at a tree and saw an elephant.

The moment caused me to reflect on the wonder children bring into our lives. Everything is new and exciting – wondrous. A bag of almonds becomes a rattle. A box is a fortress. The sight of a dog bring squeals of delight. And a tree becomes an elephant. Hopefully, as we spend time with children we begin to experience some of that wonder as well.

In my many years of working with teens and helping them towards their goals of work and other journeys after school, one of my great joys has been helping them reconnect with the ability to dream. Too often, practicality has been used to dismiss dreams.

As we chip away at a child’s sense of wonder, we can also chip away at their excitement with the world and ability to dream big. It’s that sense of wonder that carries us through life. Helps us see possibilities instead of closed doors. Gives us the courage to try something new and stretch our comfort zones.

I challenge each of you to open yourself to wonder and to share a moment with a child today.