For Our Children

So often we say we would die for our children as a sign of how much we cherish them and want to keep them safe. We’ve all heard of heroic acts where parents do the impossible to keep the child safe, powered by adrenaline and pure will.

While that is true and powerful, I wonder at the power we might find if we turned that around. If we say we will truly live for our children. What would that mean?

For me, living for my daughter means being in my integrity in all I do.

It means approaching the world with an open heart, eyes of wonder, and generosity of spirit.

It means walking my talk and doing my best to create a world for her to thrive in.

It means being open to continuing to learn and grow, and modeling the both failure and growth are normal and healthy and wonderful.

And it means knowing that she is as much my teacher as I am hers.