Measuring Success

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we measure success lately – with our children, in our relationships with self and others, and in our work life. Culturally we are taught to focus on the tangibles. Did my child make honor roll, is my house clean, am I making enough money, etc. And yet, thinking about things in this way often leaves us feeling incomplete, less than, and anxious.

As a wise soul once said, Comparison is the root of all unhappiness.

These days I measure my success in how well I show up for myself and the people I interact with. Was I fully present for my daughter when she needed my attention? Did I pause to connect with my partner? Where did I make time for my own self care? Was I able to offer the resources and support needed for my client sessions? Did I make time to stop on my way home and appreciate the amazing sunset? When the answer to all of these is yes, I feel like a success.

I would love to know, how do you measure success?